This is a blog I created, totally dedicated to books - well, the books I read and a place for me to review them, share any exciting news and give my opinions on all book related things.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Read, read, read

So, I'm doing a typical me. I had set myself books to read, a few at a time...then I went out today and brought more...and was lent my list has not only grown, but become impossible to organise.

Currently I have in my currently reading/started pile;

You Belong To Me - Karen Rose
The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
Game Of Thrones - George RR Martin
Angelology - Danielle Trussoni
Mistrals Kiss - Laurell K Hamilton
LOTR;The Fellowship of the Ring - J RR Tolkein
Sea Glass - Maria V Snyder

And alongside all of these, I got myself little info books (I won't obviously be reviewing) called 'Shakespeare Matters' and 'Herbal Remedies', which I would like to get through aswell.
Guess I've got some reading to do.... :)

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