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Wednesday 24 August 2011

BR; Sea Glass - Maria V Snyder

New York Times bestselling author Maria V. Snyder brings readers into a world of molten magic, excitement and adventure. Student glass magician Opal Cowan's newfound ability to steal a magician's powers makes her too powerful. Ordered to house arrest, Opal dares defy her imprisonment, travelling to the Moon Clan's lands in search of Ulrick, the man she thinks she loves. Thinks because she is sure another man - now her prisoner - has switched souls with Ulrick. In hostile territory, without proof or allies, Opal isn't sure whom to trust. She can't forget Kade, the handsome Stormdancer who doesn't want to let her get close. And now everyone is after Opal's special powers for their own deadly gain.

Well what can I say? Snyder did it again. She kept me glued to the page in the really fun, action packed continuation of 'Storm Glass'. I must admit, being a big fan of the 'Poison Study' series, finding out that the 'Glass' series, was going to be told from Opals point of view was a bit of a let down. Her character was rather flat in the 'Study' series, and we didn't really get the chance to know her. But I persisted through the next book and ended up loving it. Sea Glass was lovely, filled with the same beautiful imagrey as it's priors, creating the same feeling of intimacy the reader has to the characters again, but shedding alot of them in a new light, bringing new twists. Opal Cowan the lead character under went the biggest change. I loved kickass, hard Opal towards the end of the book. It was just what the book needed to give her a bit of a back bone.
Although they are books about action filled magic, there is always the undertone of the love story. I like Kades character as a love interest, although I don't think he'll ever be as special to me as Valek was in the 'study' series. Snyder uses the simplest moments between her love intrest that can make a girl feel just a little bit fuzzy on the inside. I particularly liked when Kade was at the keep, especially when he was in her bedroom ;) (Yet again he doesn't hold the element of danger and mysticism of Valek.
A clever trick on behalf of Snyder was encorporating some of the characters from the previous series. In this book, Proffessor Bloodbain, Janco, and even Yelena herself had rather big parts. Also Leif and Fisk, who are two astoundingly original characters, who always manage to make me smile, were in it aswell. Having previous knowledge of the world and it's inner working, allows you to really sink into the story. You already understand how magic works, and the powers of certain characters...this can be especially fun, with the intruduction of a new character, who has yet to learn all these tricks and twists to Snyders world.
I give this book a 9/10. It really was fantastic...I just don't want to give to much away. The next book hopefully will live up to it's expectations. Snyder has created a world that makes the reader feel at home, and a book series, that truley allows the sense of escapism.

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