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Monday 27 February 2012

BR; Touch of Power - Maria V Snyder

What s the cost of a deal with the devil when you have the powers of a god? When Avry was growing up, Kazan was a prosperous land, rich in resources and served by a respected tribe of healers. Until the plague came. Developed by the poor territories to the north and west, the terrifying disease ravaged the people of Kazan and drove Avry s family away. Four years later, imprisoned for using her powers, Avry s beginning to lose hope, when a band of strange men break into her cell and steal her away. They need her special magic to save their prince. The Prince who ordered the plague s first release. Avry s freedom now rests on using her healing touch to save the very man who took away everything she loved...

Yet again Maria V snyder is creeping up to the spot of my favourite author. 'Touch of Power' was amazing! It starts as one of those throw you into a world, and explain it later books. Snyder does this very well. Her use of description really sets a scene, no matter where in the world they are. Her characters are three dimensional, and complex. 'Belen' is the most lovable character ever (Poppa Bear!) Another thing I liked is that we had two very opposing personalities, who want different things, but we don't find out their motivation until about 3/4 of the way in...which keeps us guessing, and leaves everything open to possibility. We also do not know, who we want to win this war. Estrid, Tohen, or Rhyne? Obviously the later into the novel we go, the more we make up our own minds. Snyder has allowed us a great deal of freedom in this novel.
I like the comparative elements with Snyders' world and the black death. The plague in the book is totally destructive, and has destroyed the 15 realms. So much so, that people turned against each other, and also against 'the healers', the only people who could help them. Which causes our heroine, `Avry', to become an outcast, hiding from the law, afraid to use her powers for fear of execution. This is another book, that features a heavy theme of survival in the wild. In fact most of the novel, is spent with Avry and the men trapcing through the woods or hiding out in caves. Yet it never got boring, the action never stopped. Their was definate passion driving this book. Obviously having read Snyders books before, I knew something was going to develop between Kerrick and Avry, although she didn't half make us wait! I liked the addition the author made, that meant physical contact enhanced their drew them closer.
Avry's charcter, like most of Snyder's female leads, was wonderful. Witty, sarcastic, not afraid to get stuck in, proud, and smart. She had very funny interactions with the other characters, but also had a clearly vulnerable side. We were at a bit of a disadvantage with our opinion of her, as in our first introduction she is risking her life, saving a dieing child. We have no option but to like her. But we want to like her, the more the novel goes on, the more we become attachted to her character...which we know is a bad idea, as she tells us what will happen if she heals Rhyne...we try Avrys tactic of not getting too close to any of them, but as it doesn't for her, it doesn't work for us...we grow an attatchment to these characters.
I give this book a 9/10. I'm so excited to read the next one, but have to wait till next year. Beautifully written, wonderful flow, good characters, well thought out and delivered plot... just a stunning read.

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